Three Fabulous Reasons to Start Taking MOOD™ Plant-Activated Supplements Right Now
Hello! Thank you for checking out this awesome listicle about improving your life with MOOD Plant-Activated Supplements. We know you’re busy AF, so we’ll keep things brief.
While we created MOOD to help you experience more pleasure in your life, our plant-activated supplements have other incredible benefits, as well. We know you’re here to read more, so check out the brilliant benefits below!
Solve Your Stress
Let’s talk about stress, more specifically, let’s talk about how to solve some of it. So often we’re told that all you need to do to solve your stress situations is to tap into some self-care moments and you’ll be fine. But what happens after you wash off that face mask or put your robe back on after that massage? The stress is still waiting for you. While we fully embrace self-care as vital, we also know that sometimes it just doesn’t cut it.
Stress can impact you in some seriously negative ways. It can impact the amount of sleep you get. It can make you feel anxious for no reason. It can even have negative effects on your mental and physical health if you’re not careful. And when it comes to sexual desire and pleasure, stress can be a totally terrible obstructionist. No thanks!
This is where MOOD™ SENSUALITY comes in. This sexy, plant-activated supplement is formulated with research and science-backed aphrodisiacs and adaptogens, like ashwagandha, L-theanine, blue vervain, lemon balm extract, and purple passionflower. These natural, plant-derived ingredients are all known to help lower your cortisol levels. What’s that? Cortisol is a steroid hormone released by your endocrine glands. It mainly regulates your body’s response to stress. When taken daily, MOOD™ SENSUALITY can help you solve your stress, which leads to better sleep, healthier health, and sexier, more sensual pleasure.
Boost Your Energy Levels
You know how you’re constantly doing everything, but also feel like you don’t have enough energy to enjoy the things you actually want to do? Yeah, that’s the worst. What’s the point of busting your ass all the time if you don’t have the energy to do the things you love or experience the pleasure you deserve?
Don’t worry. MOOD™ ECSTACY is here to help. We packed this baby with powerful plant-derived antioxidants, like PQQ that can help increase mitochondrial biogenesis, boosting your energy on a cellular level. It’s also formulated with CoQ10 to increase energy and lower oxidative stress, as well as Matcha, an herbal antioxidant that elevates vitality. In other words, these super supplements help you rev up your energy so that you can complete your to-do list and then focus on your do-me list, if you know what we mean.
Stop Overthinking Things
If you’re anything like us, you’re constantly overthinking things. Did you shut the garage door? Did you send that email you were supposed to send? Should you invite that one friend on a trip even though she’s a total me-monster? Sometimes being a badass is complicated and you just need something to help you chill, so you can unwind your mind and focus on your pleasure.
Enter MOOD™ PLAY, a seriously spectacular supplement that can help your nervous system chill and stop feeling so intense. Full of dopaminergic ingredients like, Mucuna Pruriens, this supplement helps you shift from go-mode to pleasure-mode. What does dopaminergic mean? Dopaminergic, while tricky to say, simply means relating to dopamine, a neurotransmitter produced by your body to communicate between nerve cells. Dopamine is specifically known for its role in how you feel pleasure. It’s also a part of your unique ability to think and plan and helps you strive, focus, and find things compelling. Needless to say, dopamine is a big deal that can lead to better brain function and better orgasms. It’s a win-win!
Whether you’d like to stop stressing so much, increase your energy levels, quit overthinking everything, increase your sexual prowess, or all of the above, MOOD Plant-activated supplements will provide you with beautiful benefits from head-to-toe, including the pleasure that you deserve. In other words, toss out that sad, self-care face mask and get something that will truly make you feel more like the gorgeous, divine, magical creature you are!
Learn more about our ingredients, our mission, and our plant-activated supplements now.